A provisional Red Data Book of Gloucestershire Bryophytes



Is pleased to advise members that we now have a limited number of copies of

“A provisional Red Data Book of Gloucestershire Bryophytes” by renowned local ecologist and joint county bryophyte recorder in Gloucestershire for the British Bryological Society, Richard Lansdown, as a special edition of The Gloucestershire Naturalist (TGN 25)

This publication, whilst important in its own field is unlikely to be of use to those naturalists who do not have a specialist interest in this branch of botany. If you do wish to receive a copy, but have not already reserved one, please contact the Membership Secretary, Andrew Bluett, by e-mail at gnsmembership@btinternet.com or by post to

GNS Membership Secretary, 50 Kingsmead, Abbeymead, Gloucester, GL4 5DY

Those members who have already reserved copies will receive them by post in the very near future.

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