BTO Berks & Oxfordshire Conference 2012

BTO Berks and Oxfordshire have organised a “Birdwatchers’ Forum” conference which will take place on Saturday March 3, 2012 at Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, Oxfordshire OX10.

The fifth of its kind, this exciting conference hosts the broadcaster, Stephen Moss, discusses issues in agri-environment schemes, unravels mysteries behind one of our most iconic African migrants and much more! This event represents a great way of meeting BTO Staff, members and volunteers and there will also be stalls and displays from local bird clubs, conservation and commercial organisations, and a free raffle – how can you afford to not to come?

Conference tickets are great value, at only £14.00 per person which includes ea, coffee and a buffet lunch, so book soon to avoid disappointment.

A link to our Events page on the BTO website where you can find the programme and booking form for the conference is
Please have a look and we hope to see you there!
Ellen Walford
Membership Promotions Officer, BTO
Phone : 01842 750050

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