Wild Farming
At 10am on Tuesday 9th June 2015 at Cleeve Common, near Winchcombe, this guided walk will feature Ellie Phillips (Conservation Officer) and David Stevenson (Ranger) from the Cleeve Conservators, the charity responsible for the management of Cleeve Common, and is organised in association with the Cotswold Wardens.
The walk, part of the Magnificent Meadows project, aims to show by practical example the intrinsic link between farming and other land uses and conservation. Managing a very special area like Cleeve Common for wild flora and fauna presents many of the same problems as those faced by conventional farmers, but the solutions are often even trickier! The walk will give an insight into the ongoing work of preserving and enhancing rare habitats in the context of modern pressures on the land and rapidly changing landscapes.
The walk will take up to 3 hours – PLEASE wear sturdy footwear as the route may be steep/muddy in places.
Flower Foray
This year’s foray at 10 am on Thursday 23rd July 2015 will range across Cleeve Common SSSI, incorporating Cleeve Common itself and some of the surrounding nature reserves. This walk is led by the Cotswold Wardens, and we will be joined by Ellie Phillips (Conservation Officer) from the Cleeve Conservators, the charity responsible for the management of Cleeve Common.
The walk is aimed at those with an interest in wild flowers but no prior knowledge is assumed – we hope to put a name to as many species as possible and questions will be welcomed. Seasons are always unpredictable but hopefully we will find a lot of uncommon species and perhaps some real rarities – last year we spotted over 100 different species in flower.
The walk will take up to 5 hours – Please bring a packed lunch and PLEASE wear sturdy footwear as the route may be steep/muddy in places.
About the Walks
- The walks are free and there is no need to book, but there will be a collection at the end to support the work of the Conservators
- PLEASE wear sturdy footwear as the routes may be steep/muddy in places.
- Sorry, no dogs on these walks
- The meeting point for the walks is Cleeve Common’s Quarry Car Park – turn off the B4632 at the summit, signposted to the Golf Club, down narrow track over cattle grid, turn left and then immediately right into the car park. Nearest postcode GL52 3PW.
- The walks are part of the programme of guided walks organised by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens (full programme at http://www.escapetothecotswolds.org.uk/walking/guided-walks/)
- More about Cleeve Common at http://www.cleevecommon.org.uk/
Ellie Phillips
Cleeve Common Conservation Officer/Farm Conservation Adviser