Coombe Hill Reserve Opening 2004: Gallery

Many GNS members will have visited the new developments at the GWT Coombe Hill reserve in the last year. The creation of areas of open water and a network of ditches have done much to further enhance the biodiversity of this already rich area. Over the weekend of 29/30 October the visitor facilities, including a new hide, were introduced to the public and the pictures on this page record the event. Many thanks to Juliet Bailey for the photos taken at the official opening on 29 October.

Chris Beardsmore about to cut the withy arch with the representative of site sponsor Grundon.

Guests enjoying their guided tour of the new facilities.

Gordon McClone of GWT and Brian Smith of Severn and Avon Vales Wetland Partnership using unconvention transport to return from the hide.

Birds over the reserve – mainly Canada Geese.


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