Date(s) - 21/09/2022
19:00 - 21:30
GNS Zoom meetings are here again for the Autumn and Winter 2022/2023 season; start times 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Further meetings will be notified as and when arranged over the next few months.
An illustrated talk by our chairman Mervyn Greening about his challenge to see all the Native Orchids in a single year. Please note: this talk may be postponed to a later date if another speaker becomes available for the 21st. Details will follow if this change is made.
This is a Zoom talk which starts at 19.30, and the meeting will be open from 19.00 for attendees to sign in before the start.
For members to register and receive a link for this talk free of charge, please contact Barrie Mills at to book your place. Non-members are welcome to attend for a fee of £2.00 payable below.
Please sign up well in advance of the talk, (at least three days) to give Barrie time to reply to everyone, and for any PayPal attendees to get their payment cleared prior to the talk.