Aquatics near Stroudwater and Thames and Severn Canals

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Date(s) - 01/09/2024
11:00 - 16:00

London Road, Stroud


Leader Olga Krylova
Meet at 11:00 in the London Road car park, Stroud, Grid Ref. SO 852049. (Free of charge on
Stroudwater and Thames and Severn Canals have a number of interesting aquatics and
marginal vegetation species. It will be a potluck recording meeting aiming to search for
Potamogeton species, Ranunculus aquatilis agg., Chara, Lemna and other aquatic species.
There is also Rumex hydrolapathum and Symphytum species as well as other riparian flora.
Otter field signs such as spraints and kingfisher foraging along the canal may be also
Bring food and drinks. The meeting will be finished by 4.00pm

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