Date(s) - 01/05/2021 - 02/05/2021
05:30 - 07:00
We have arranged five dawn chorus events, over the weekend 1-2 May, for insomniacs – or those of you who wake early. They are spread around the county, so there should be one that is reasonably accessible to you. The meetings start at 0530 and should finish at around 0700. Sunrise is around 05.40 so please arrive on time!
Please book through Des Marshall (07968 419813; The usual Covid 19 rules will apply, though any plans put in place may of course change. Outdoor meetings with groups of up to six are permissible, given the following guidelines:
1. Members will need to pre-book through Des Marshall and receive a confirmation that they have a place.
2. Equipment and books should not be shared or passed round.
3. Members are asked to maintain a two-metre distance between each other.
4. Members are advised to bring hand sanitiser and face mask.
5. Members should be aware of their own risk level and the suitability of this activity.
6. Please do not come if you are showing any symptoms of Covid 19 or have recently been in contact with anyone who has contracted Covid.
Gloucestershire Naturalists Society, Dawn Chorus Venues 2021.
Saturday 1 May 05:30 AM – Highnam Woods RSPB Reserve
Meet in the reserve car park on the north side of the A40, SO778 190.
Leader – Andy Bluett
Saturday 1 May 05:30 AM – Bushcombe Wood Longwood Common CP, SO983 279.
Turn west off the B4632 at top of Cleeve Hill. Parking in about 600m.
Leader – Andy Oliver
Sunday 2 May 05:30 AM – Kensley Lodge and Woorgreens, FOD
Car park on north side of B4226 east of Speech House, SO624 126.
Leader – Barrie Mills
Sunday 2 May 05:30 AM – Sherborne Ewepen Buildings, NT car park ( £3 or NT card), SP159 143, (GL54 3DT).
The first Sherborne turn on the A40, 3 miles east of the Northleach roundabout.
Leader – Andy Lewis
Sunday 2 May 05:30 AM St Cyr’s Church, Stonehouse In Church Lane
SO799 051, (GL103QP).
Leader – Martin Wright