Our Wild Bees By Roselle Chapman

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Date(s) - 07/07/2021
19:30 - 21:30


Our Wild Bees – An illustrated talk on the wild bees of the UK by Roselle Chapman

Our wild bees and other pollinators are so important, but they are still the unsung heroes of the environment, gardens and countryside  and continue to decline in number and range. The talk will identify what we can all do to help wild bees. Many of the actions we take to protect one pollinator species, such as flower rich habitat creation and reduction in pesticide use, will assist biodiversity as a whole.

Roselle’s fascination for wildlife was developed whilst growing up on a farm in Norfolk. A BSc Hons in Marine Biology led to an eventful five years in Mauritius and the Seychelles working on predator control and species reintroductions for island restoration projects.  Following a PhD in bumblebee ecology and genetics at UCL and the Institute of Zoology, she went on to work for CEH and ZSL before joining the Wild Oxfordshire team in 2017 as Community Ecologist.

This is a Zoom talk which starts at 19.30, and the meeting will be open from 19.15 for attendees to sign in before the start.

For members to register and receive a link for this talk free of charge, please contact Barrie Mills at bazmills48@outlook.com to book your place. Non-members are welcome to attend for a fee of £2.00 payable below.

Please sign up well in advance of the talk, (at least three days) to give Barrie time to reply to everyone, and for any PayPal attendees to get their payment cleared prior to the talk.

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