Field Meeting – Crabtree Hill and Woorgreens Lake 10th April 2016

On a bright but slightly chilly morning some 25 members and guests joined Andrew Bluett for a walk around Crabtree Hill and to Woorgreens Lake.

Wood Anemones and the Gorse were out in flower, the Great Grey Shrike put on a show, a solitary Tree Pipit appeared, the first few Willow Warblers of the season were singing as were the earlier Chiff Chaffs, a cock Stonechat appeared briefly and Ravens flew overhead a couple of Times. Nick Christian spotted and pointed out a swift flying Sparrowhawk.

At Woorgreens Lake there were numbers of Greylag & Canada Geese, a Merganser, Dabchicks, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen and a pair of Mute Swans. The Raven flew over twice, both times being chased off by the male Carrion Crow of a pair that appeared to be nesting on the island. Again, Nick Christian spotted a Long Tailed Tit’s nest under construction for all to see and a solitary Buzzard cut lazy circles in the distance.

Thanks to all who took part, a good meeting with signs of the Spring to come.


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