The GNS Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 7th April at Watermoor Church Hall, Cirencester, 7.00 for 7.30pm, followed by a talk from David Simcox – the fascinating history of the Large Blue Butterfly in the Cotswolds and the story of its re-introduction.
GNS Outdoor Meeting Sunday 26th March – A visit to Coombe Hill Canal and Reserve – General Interest to be led by Andrew Bluett (01452 610085 / 07584 689090) – 10.00 am until 12.30. Meet in the reserve car park; follow the narrow lane to the left of the Swan Inn at Coombe Hill traffic lights on the A38 to the car par at the end of the canal. SO 886 272. Please dress appropriately for the weather, you may get away with good boots but wellingtons will probably be necessary.
GNS Outdoor Meeting Sunday 9th April – Darkham Wood, Redmarley – A new venue for GNS Meetings in a privately-owned wood; This is a recording meeting and a chance to find out what wildlife is present. Drive through the village of Redmarley from the A417 towards Durbridge Farm, meet at the entrance to the wood SO 740 301 and drive through to the hardstanding area. Leaders are Rick Benson-Bunch and Des Marshall – 01242 245143, 10.00am to 1.00pm. Please dress appropriately for the weather, good boots or wellingtons will be necessary.