G N S Annual General Meeting

Members are reminded that the Annual General Meeting of the Society is due to take place on Friday 27th March 2015 at 7.30pm at the Gala Club, Fairmile Gardens, Gloucester GL2 9EB.

The meeting will consist of the usual reports of the Society’s activities over the previous year, our current membership and financial position, the election of officers and other business matters.

There will be a Special General meeting within the Annual General Meeting to consider and vote on the proposed rule changes (see the previous “News” item) and after the business element of the meeting, a talk by Mervyn Greening on the new Gloucestershire Barn Owl Monitoring Group (see previous “News” item).

If you have any thoughts, queries, questions or suggestions, please communicate them to any member of the Executive Committee, to the Membership Secretary at gnsmembership@btinternet.com or better still come along to the meeting, meet the Exec., meet other members and have your say.

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