Garden Bird Survey – Winter 2017

Gloucestershire Ornithological Co-ordinating Committee organises an annual Winter Garden Bird Survey in Gloucestershire and would like more volunteers to take part during the coming winter – January and February of 2017.

As the umbrella body for recording in the county and as members of GOCC, GNS is supporting this project and on behalf of the organisers and is appealing for volunteers who might wish to take part – this is an easy and informal survey that is of real use and can be done from the warmth and comfort of your own home – no need to get wet, cold and muddy…!

Details as follows:

Gloucestershire Ornithological Co-ordinating Committee – Winter Garden Bird Survey Anyone?

The Gloucestershire Ornithological Coordinating Committee runs a winter garden bird survey each year for nine weeks in January and February. We would love to have additional surveyors who can recognise all the common garden birds and some of the less common ones.  Only those living within the Gloucestershire county boundary can take part. The survey involves counting the number of birds you see which have actually landed within your garden boundary and keeping a tally of the maximum number of each species seen (simultaneously) in the garden each week.  It doesn’t matter if you are away for a week or two in January and February.

A report is sent to all surveyors after the results have been analysed.  All the records are sent to the County Bird Recorder, who says that they constitute an important part of the county’s bird records.

If you would like to take part, please contact Vic Polley – 01453 842896

mvicpolley at (at =@)

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