GNS Joint Meeting with Painswick Bird Club

Poles Apart by Dr Michael Leach


The next event in the GNS calendar is a joint meeting with Painswick Bird Club on Tuesday 4th November commencing at 7.30pm in the Painswick Town Hall, Victoria Street (just across the road to the left of the churchyard and on the opposite side of the main road from the Fiery Beacon Gallery).

The speaker will be Dr Michael Leach, the subject entitled “Poles Apart” is about bird life and animals in the Arctic and Antarctic. Michael is always good value for money as a speaker and this looks like a fascinating subject to be explored with excellent photographs and dialogue – not to be missed.

We don’t do many joint meetings with Painswick Bird Club and recently, the attendance from GNS members at these has been disappointing, so your support if you can come would be very welcome.

Michael’s web-site can be accessed here…

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