As many members will know, GNS held a photographic competition in past years at the Cirencester Branch Annual Members Night in March.
As a result of Covid-19 restrictions, we have not been able to hold meetings at Cirencester since March 2020, so in 2021 it was decided that the photographic competition would be an on-line event, with entries shown and judged at the last Zoom meeting of the year in December.
The entries and winners for that event are now available as downloadable pdf files using the links below.
We do plan to hold another competition in 2022, members are invited to submit entries in the form of digital images by e-mail or any other means to the membership secretary, Andrew Bluett at gnsmembership@btinternet.com.
Photographs should be of anything in the natural world, taken in (or very close to) Gloucestershire, and preferably during the calendar year 2022. We will decide what classes the entries will be placed in at a later date and will remind members to send in their entries from time to time during the year.
Spring is fast approaching, wildlife is coming to life and the light is improving (between the storms!) so get your camera out and venture into the fields, woodland and along the rivers of this beautiful county and see what you can capture.