GNS Winter Walks

The society is proposing to organise some walks this autumn, though any plans put in place may of course change at a moment’s notice. Outdoor meetings with groups up to six are possible given the following guidelines:

  1. Members will need to pre-book with the walk leader and receive a confirmation that they have a place.
  2. Equipment and books should not be shared or passed around.
  3. Members are asked to maintain two metres between each other.
  4. You are advised to bring hand sanitizer and face masks.
  5. Be aware of your own risk level and the suitability of this activity.
  6. Please do not come if you are showing any symptoms of Covid-19.

We have arranged six walks before the turn of the year. They are spread around the county, and each will last about two hours, though members can come and go in the usual way. Most are general walks to see what natural history is around and are not primarily intended as recording exercises, though we shall record what we see.

Please see the events page for the full list of upcoming walks.

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