John Moore Museum: ‘The Kemerton Conservation Trust’ – A Talk by Chairman Adrian Darby OBE

Friday 15th March  2013
7.30pm to 8.30pm
The Old Baptist Chapel, Church Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
The museum is very pleased to welcome Adrian Darby OBE, Chairman and founder of the Kemerton Conservation Trust (KCT), to the museum in March 2013.  KCT is a registered charity which aims to conserve wildlife and places of beauty in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and adjoining counties for the public benefit.Much of the Trust’s activity takes place in the area surrounding Bredon Hill in south Worcestershire, where there is a concentration of traditionally-managed farmland and woodland habitats which are exceptionally rich in fauna and flora.

The Trust has four main purposes:

  • Managing important sites for the benefit of wildlife
  • Developing innovative conservation practices
  • Continuing a twenty-five year programme of scientific surveying, monitoring and analysis
  • Educating the public, land managers, and other organisations about conservation priorities and practices

In his talk, Adrian Darby will be giving people a fascinating insight into the work of this important conservation charity, whose work is particularly important in these times of pressure on our countryside and its wildlife.

Tickets available in advance from the John Moore Museum, Church Street, Tewkesbury:
Telephone: 01684 297174

Adult: £5.00
Concessions: £4.00

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