The Plant Group’s New Year Plant Hunt was a cheerful affair with a large group of us wandering up the Miry Brook valley in Nailsworth, recording mostly the sorts of plants that happily grow in pavement cracks and cultivated ground. The aim of the exercise organised by the BSBI is to record wild plants that are in flower, and they have to be properly in flower with anthers showing, even if it is just one starved frost-bitten floret. Signs of spring were some early Primroses, Hazel catkins, a good clump of Lesser Celandine and a sole Barren Strawberry Flower. A few other flowers were relatively obvious – White Deadnettle, Daisy, Dandelion. The meeting ended with an essential pub session to compare lists. A very respectable 43 species was the final score with details available here…. Thanks to the leaders Clare and Mark Kitchen and Olga Krylova.