Sightings – June 2004

Huntman’s Quarry, Naunton (25 June 2004, contributed by Andy Jayne)

11 Corn Buntings in song and 5 Tree Sparrows in the afternoon.

Severn Ham, Tewkesbury (25 June 2004, contributed by Andy Jayne)

1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Hobby, 3 Curlews , 2 Common Terns, 2 (pair) Yellow Wagtail, 6 male Reed Buntings and a single Corn Bunting in the afternoon.

Cheltenham (24 June 2004, contributed by Robert Homan)

A Marbled White flying along the Honeybourne cycle path this afternoon.

Sudmeadow (10 June 2004, contributed by Gordon Avery)

3 Painted Ladies by the River Severn this evening.

Cleeve Hill (8 June 2004, contributed by Robert Homan)

A Clouded Yellow flying over the Aerials Butterfly Conservation Reserve this afternoon. 2 Tree Pipits singing and plenty of other butterflies including Common and Small Blues.

Nottingham Hill (2 June 2004, contributed by Robert Homan)

A good show of day flying moths in the afternoon including Common Heath, Burnet Companion and the two species shown below; Mother Shipton on the left and Cistus Forester on the right. Following on from yesterday’s item, there was a Red Admiral at the west end of the hill.

Standish (1 June 2004, contributed by Juliet Bailey)

There was a spanking fresh Red Admiral in my garden at Standish today. First I have seen this year. Surely it can’t have migrated? (Red Admirals have been reported in small numbers at observatories on the south coast, so this could well be a migrant. RH)

I also have Blair’s Shoulder-knot moth (Lithophane leautieri) caterpillars on one of the cypresses in the garden. This species features in an article on moths on cypresses in the current British Wildlife. It has spread northwards from the south coast since the 1950s and has now reached Tyneside and south-west Scotland. The most recent distribution map given in British Wildlife has about half a dozen hectad dots for Glos, so other local naturalists might care to look for it too so we can fill in the gaps. I came across it by accident when I broke off a branch of cypress to brush out my hens’ water bowl. It is green with very bright white markings, and from my limited experience prefers the underside of branches.

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