Ash Trees in Our Landscape
Ash trees are an important part of Gloucestershire’s landscape. They may be hedgerow trees, coppices or single trees that stand out as the focal point in a view.
The Cotswold Conservation Board estimate that about a third of the trees in the Cotswolds are Ash – among mature trees it’s a higher proportion than that. Ash pollards are also a common sight in the Severn Vale. The Forest of Dean has a more acid soil than Ashes prefer, but there are still significant numbers there.
Ash trees are also extraordinarily rich wildlife habitats for birds, beetles and fungi, amongst others.
Read Keith Alexander’s article on the importance of Ashes here: Cotswold Ash Pollards, Gloucestershire Naturalist 21, 2010 (PDF).
Ash trees in our landscape
Ash Dieback disease
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