If you are interested in butterflies, moths and other insects, I can recommend a visit to Hetty Pegler’s Tump (Uley Tumulus), the famous Neolithic chambered long barrow, north of Uley (OS Map Ref SO789000). I took a friend to the barrow on Saturday and was amazed at the variety and number of butterlies, moths and insects around the (including horseflies – grrh!). Here are some photos of a Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui – note: the image is not stretched, the bututterfly had its wings partially folded), a Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) and a Scarlet Tiger moth (Callimorpha dominula). There was also one huge Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) that I was unable to photograph but which was quite the largest butterfly I’ve ever seen in the UK!