John Moore Museum talk: Evolution, the Victorians and Ourselves

Evolution, the Victorians and Ourselves

A talk by Doctor Darren Oldridge of Worcester University

Darwin Talk Image

This talk will explore the cultural and scientific impact of Charles Darwin’s work on late Victorian England and the continuing relevance of his work in our time.

Drawing on historical studies of nineteenth-century ideas about evolution, it will focus on the religious and moral implications of what came to be known as ‘Darwinism’.

Organiser: John Moore Museum

Date: Saturday 7th March 2015, 2pm to 3pm – Followed by Q & A

Venue: The Old Baptist Chapel, Old Baptist Chapel Court, Church Street, Tewkesbury, Glos.

Tickets:   £5.00 adult, £4.00 (seniors & students) – advance booking recommended.

Contact: Simon Lawton (Curator)
Telephone: 01684 297174

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