Severn Hams (30 October, contributed by Les Brown, Mike Smart and David Anderson)
Paradoxically after the flooding of the summer, water levels at Ashleworth and Coombe Hill are low for the time of year. At Ashleworth, the lack of recent rain means that it has not been possible to flood the main reserve area; however, the young willows which threatened to invade have been cut back and the brash burnt; at Coombe Hill, there is still water in the scrapes and ditches, but there is no surface flooding.
At Coombe Hill in the morning: 40 Wigeon, 20 Teal, 50 Shoveler, 1 Pochard, 1 Sparrowhawk, 5 Snipe, still 40 Meadow Pipits, 75 Fieldfares, 40 Redwings.
At Ashleworth Ham: 1 Sparrowhawk, 10 Snipe, 1 Jack Snipe on main reserve field, the Great Grey Shrike showing well at the bottom of Stank Lane on Hasfield Ham.
Coombe Hill (29 October, contributed by Gordon Avery)
The highlight of today was a juvenile female Peregrine that had a kill but kept getting disturbed by corvids after returning several times to its prize. Ironically the corvids never came back for the kill themselves. In addition, a juvenile male Sparrowhawk, 17 Wigeon and 6 Teal – all from the Grundon Hide. There were also small numbers of Redwings and Fieldfares in the canalside hawthorns.
Sudmeadow (30 October, contributed by Gordon Avery)
Stonechat numbers are still on the up with yet another pair found today. The new birds are on Fieldings old playing field (by Gloucester City F.C.) Sudmeadow Road, Hempsted.
Coombe Hill (29 October, contributed by Gordon Avery)
The highlight of today was a juvenile female Peregrine that had a kill but kept getting disturbed by corvids after returning several times to its prize. Ironically the corvids never came back for the kill themselves. In addition, a juvenile male Sparrowhawk, 17 Wigeon and 6 Teal – all from the Grundon Hide. There were also small numbers of Redwings and Fieldfares in the canalside hawthorns.
Sudmeadow (27 October, contributed by Gordon Avery)
An additional female Stonechat has joined the pair already in the area.
Sudmeadow (22 October, contributed by Gordon Avery)
Seen this morning during a ringing session:
270 Wood Pigeons east (in small flocks)
3 Grey Wagtails, 2 to the NE and one by Llantony Weir
2 Stonechats m and f Sudmeadow
Blackcap – 1f trapped for ringing
Starling – A dramatic rise from last Friday on GLS when about 120 birds were present. At least 1450 this morning.
A noticeable increase in Redwings as well but still no great numbers here. c.75 birds this morning.
Ashleworth Ham (15 October, contributed by Mervyn Greening and Mike Smart)
Another ringing session with some observation of visible migration. Only two Meadow Pipits were caught and maybe 25 seen. It looks as though passage is nearly complete. A few Skylarks and Pied Wagtails over to the SW. A Barn Owl screeching before first light and a Little Owl. 20 Redwings and 3 Fieldfares seen along with onne Raven and a female Stonechat. There were 5 Wigeon on the reserve.
Coombe Hill (11 October, contributed by Gordon Avery and Andy Jayne)
The following were seen late morning to early afternoon:
8 Buzzards up together over the reserve. Interestingly one very pale bellied bird with pale upper wing coverts and white looking rump.
2 Kestrels on the reserve
1 Ruff from Grundon Hide
2 Green Sandpipers – Parish Drain, canal
1 Grey Wagtail – Canal
2 Wheatears – meadows
25 Redwing – over meadows
1 Chiffchaff – Canal
3 Blackcaps 2m&1f – Canal. 1m in sub-song
1 Brambling – over calling
Ashleworth Ham (8 October, contributed by Mike Smart)
An early morning ringing session in near perfect ringing conditions, but the number of birds was rather low; it seems that the calm anticyclonic conditions in September have allowed many visible migrants to pass through already: only one skylark seen, 75 Meadow Pipits seen (15 caught), a dozen Pied Wagtails passed over, last week’s heavy Swallow passage now over, only ten seen. Small numbers of Reed Buntings about, sic caught. One Barn Owl screeching loudly as it hunted at first light, one Little Owl calling. One Golden Plover flew downriver calling.
The main field in front of the hide has now been mown, and willows pollarded, but water levels still low; maybe tonight’s forecast rain will raise levels. 25 Mallard, 2 Wigeon, 2 Green Sandpipers on pools. 2 Ravens flew over.
Cheltenham (4 October, contributed by Robert Homan)
20 Redwings were in an orchard in Swindon Lane early morning then flying off to the west. A little later 4 Redwings dropped into a hawthorn hedge by the disused Honeybourne line at Wyman’s Brook. In the Promenade, a Horse Chestnut with a single flower spike makes for an unusual October sight.