2024 Membership Survey

Thank you for being a member of Gloucestershire Naturalists’ Society. From time to time we like to conduct a brief survey of our members so that we can improve our service to you and increase the enjoyment and satisfaction you derive from your membership. Most of the questions are not compulsory; if you do not want to answer a specific question, just skip it and move on to the next. The results of this survey will be aggregated and anonymised to help GNS improve its services to its membership. None of your answers will be attributed to you by name. The survey should take less than 10 minutes of your time and we are most grateful to you for completing it.

Section 1
Firstly, we would like to know a little about you:

Your first name*

Your first name*

Your last name*

Your last name*

Post Code*

Post Code*

Your preferred contact phone number

Your preferred contact phone number

Your email address*

Your email address*

Your gender

Your gender

Your age group

Your age group

What grade of membership do you currently have?

What grade of membership do you currently have?

How long have you been a member?

How long have you been a member?

In the past two years have you attended any GNS Field Meetings?

In the past two years have you attended any GNS Field Meetings?

In the past two years have you participated in any GNS Zoom meetings?

In the past two years have you participated in any GNS Zoom meetings?

Do you follow GNS on social media? (please tick all that apply):

Do you follow GNS on social media? (please tick all that apply):

Would you be interested in joining a GNS WhatsApp group?

Would you be interested in joining a GNS WhatsApp group?

Do you belong to other natural history organisations? Please tick all that apply

Do you belong to other natural history organisations? Please tick all that apply

What are your main areas of Natural History interest? Please tick all that apply

What are your main areas of Natural History interest? Please tick all that apply

Do you consider yourself an expert in any of the above? If so, please specify

Do you consider yourself an expert in any of the above? If so, please specify

Would you be prepared to give a talk to the membership?

Would you be prepared to give a talk to the membership?

Would you be prepared to lead a short field trip in the county?

Would you be prepared to lead a short field trip in the county?

Section 2
Next, we would like to understand what you value most about your membership.

What do you value most about the Society’s services? Please tick all that apply

What do you value most about the Society’s services? Please tick all that apply

Please indicate how strongly you agree with the following statement: I believe that my GNS membership represents excellent value for money

Please indicate how strongly you agree with the following statement: I believe that my GNS membership represents excellent value for money

The Society currently publishes GNS News quarterly. Is this frequency?

The Society currently publishes GNS News quarterly. Is this frequency?

The Society currently publishes The Gloucestershire Naturalist (TGN) annually. How would you prefer to receive this publication?

The Society currently publishes The Gloucestershire Naturalist (TGN) annually. How would you prefer to receive this publication?

If you have any other comments that you feel would help us improve services to our membership please tell us here

If you have any other comments that you feel would help us improve services to our membership please tell us here

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