UPDATE 22nd March – In light of the worsening situation and in accordance with government advice, we have now cancelled ALL meetings (indoor meetings and field meetings) until at least the end of April, but we must expect further cancellations in the future. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone again once it is safe and sensible to do so.
GNS has decided to cancel the forthcoming field meeting scheduled for Saturday 21st March, Newent, “How to Use the iNaturalist phone app” for identification and recording due to the need for close proximity of users to one another and mobile phones.
After further consideration GNS has decided to cancel the forthcoming Cirencester indoor meeting scheduled for Friday 3rd April – Oliver Smart showing and talking about British Butterflies.
Similarly, we have cancelled the Exec. Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday 25th March but will continue to conduct the Society’s business by telephone or e-mail. We have to act responsibly and with caution and follow best advice on this matter.
Other Field Meetings have a lower risk attached so will continue for the time being, but we will re-consider that position if necessary, on a case by case basis. If for any reason you do not feel comfortable attending a meeting, do not do so – your health & well-being and that of all others must take priority. More information will follow in due course.