Guscar Rocks and Westbury-on-Severn (28 November 2010, contributed by Andy Jayne)
Guscar Rocks to Pillhouse Rocks – sightings included three Ringed Plover, 31 Golden Plover, a Grey Plover, c.150 Dunlin, two Snipe, c.90 Curlew, four Redshank and a Rock Pipit.
At Westbury-on-Severn, a roost of at least 16,000 Starlings at the water gardens with most arriving between 3.30 and 4.00pm.
Severn Hams (18 November 2010, contributed by Mike Smart and Les Brown)
There was a real wintry feel at last today, with the water level rising, even if only slightly, an easterly wind and more ducks and geese present.
Coombe Hill: there is some water now in the scrapes in front of the Grundon hide, though they are still pretty low: there was a nice concentration of geese early morning, even if they were mostly Canadas and Greylags. They clearly behave like major goose flocks and may well attract wild geese to join them; the water level is quite high in the Long Pool, but there are not so many birds there now. 240 Canada Geese, 65 Greylags (one with a colour ring B6P), 1 Barhead, one white Farmyard Goose. 160 Wigeon, 70 Teal, 4 Shoveler, 63 Mallard, 9 Lapwings. At least 500 Fieldfares mainly feeding on hawthorn berries.
Ashleworth Ham was rather quiet because of a pheasant shoot in neighbouring fields. Three and a half boards were inserted in the sluice which should allow water levels to rise.
Lower Lode, Tewkesbury (18 November 2010, contributed by Gordon Avery)
32 Cormorants in the loafing site at Lower Lode at lunchtime today.